Our Governance

Healthy Child Uganda (HCU) is a partnership between Ugandan and Canadian universities and the Canadian Paediatric Society. Field implementation is led by Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) with Canadian technical support and joint oversight for most projects.

A local Steering Committee comprised of MUST, district, and Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Institute (MNCHI) representatives meet twice annually to oversee projects, major activities, and strategies.

A Ugandan field team leads and manages HCU field activities. HCU operates as a program within MNCHI under the Faculty of Medicine at MUST. Joint Ugandan-Canadian teams advise on technical issues, curriculum, strategic direction, and research. The Canadian team supports implementation and mentoring of Canadian-funded projects and with fundraising.

The Ugandan Ministry of Health and local districts are engaged in policy, planning, and implementation, ensuring close alignment with national and district priorities.

HCU undergoes regular internal and external financial audits, project evaluations and institutional assessments, and submits regular reports to donor agencies to track and improve our program performance and management.